Secrets Naples
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Not a secret for those with Napoli in their heart!

Oh Mamma, mamma, mamma

"Oh mamma, mamma, mamma, do you know why my heart is beating? I saw Maradona! Hey Mammà, I'm in love!".
When Napoli fans sang this chant at the stadium, the atmosphere immediately became charged with emotion and passion. It was a magical, unrepeatable moment, where the beauty of football merged with the power of music and the fans' voices that could make anyone's heart tremble who was present at that moment!
Neapolitans sang at the top of their lungs with a unanimous and powerful voice that filled the entire stadium and beyond. The words of the song became a battle cry, an anthem to courage and hope that made all hearts in the stadium vibrate. But it wasn't just the beauty of the music that made this moment special. It was also the deep meaning that the song had for Neapolitans, who saw in Maradona not just a great soccer player, but also a symbol of hope and pride for their city.


Diego Maradona, El Pibe de Oro!

Diego Armando Maradona, the legendary Argentine champion, was undoubtedly one of the most influential figures in world football history. For Neapolitans, Maradona represented much more than just a soccer player. He was an icon, a hero, a symbolic figure around which a sense of identity and pride for the city of Naples and for Neapolitans was built.
Maradona arrived in Naples in 1984, when the team was still considered a provincial club struggling to find its own identity and which, until that moment, had had little success. But with his arrival everything changed. Maradona brought with him a unique charisma, an extraordinary talent and a determination that knew no limits. With him, Napoli won two Italian championship titles, a UEFA Cup and an Italian Cup. But not only that. Maradona became a real idol for Neapolitans, a point of reference and pride for the entire city.
However, Maradona's life was not just made of success and triumphs. He also had problems, both on the field and off it. In 1991, Maradona was suspended for 15 months after testing positive for a banned substance in a doping control. Subsequently, he had problems with drugs and alcoholism that compromised his health and career.

The murals for Maradona are a dedication of love

Despite the many problems, Maradona still remains an icon for the Neapolitans. He represented a hope, a possibility to emerge from marginality and emerge as a city. And this is the reason why, even after his death in 2020, Maradona continues to be such an important figure for Naples and for Neapolitans, so much so that numerous murals dedicated to Maradona can be admired throughout the city, especially in the neighborhoods popular and in the areas closest to the San Paolo stadium. These murals represent Maradona in different poses and situations, usually accompanied by phrases or quotes that celebrate his exploits and his bond with the city of Naples.
It is impossible to list all of Maradona's murals but the best known and most symbolic is the one found in the Quartieri Spagnoli in Via Emanuele de Deo, 46, 80132.

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Murales Maradona

in via lammatari

Murales Maradona

in vico lungo gelso

Murales Maradona

ai Quartieri Spagnoli