Secrets Naples

Not only MANN, the Museums in Naples

The Parthenopean Museums, Neapolitan Pride

Naples is a city that boasts a vast collection of museums, each of which represents an unmissable opportunity to discover and appreciate the art, history and culture of the city. Whether you are passionate about antiquities, contemporary art or science, there is always a museum suitable for you, ready to welcome you and surprise you with its works and exhibitions.
Do not miss the opportunity to visit the main museums in Naples and live a unique and unforgettable experience.
Here is a brief overview of the most deserving museums:

The Museum of Capodimonte housed in the homonymous Royal Palace designed by the Roman architect Antonio Canevari for King Charles of Bourbon, is a real jewel of the city. Here you can admire ancient, modern art and a royal apartment, but the jewel in the crown of the museum is the Farnese Collection.
The majestic Royal Palace, overlooking Piazza del Plebiscito, was first the residence of the Spanish viceroys, then the residence of the Austrians and later the Bourbons. Today, the Royal Palace houses the Museum of the Historic Apartment with the ancient institutional and representative halls. In the Palatine Chapel there is a permanent exhibition of "Sacred Art of the Palace" that is definitely worth a visit.
The Civic Museum, located inside the Maschio Angioino, houses sculptures, paintings and objects dating from the medieval period to the late 1800s. The museum itinerary begins from the fourteenth-century Palatine Chapel, the only surviving remnant of the ancient Angevin royal palace.
The Palace of Arts (PAN), located in the seventeenth-century Palazzo Carafa di Roccella in via dei Mille, hosts numerous exhibitions of contemporary art, from sculpture to painting, from design to cinema. Three floors and 6,000 square meters of space host numerous exhibitions. There is also a documentation center, library and media library, spaces for educational activities, cafeterias and terraces.
The Certosa of San Martino, located on the hill of Vomero, near Castel Sant'Elmo, is one of the major religious monuments dedicated to Baroque art. The museum consists of 70 halls, where finds from various epochs in the history of the city of Naples are exhibited.
The chapel of San Severo, wanted by Giovan Francesco Paolo di Sangro, Prince of Sansevero, is today a real museum, rich in sculptural and pictorial works. Among these stands out the controversial Veiled Christ by Giuseppe Sammartino, not to be missed are also the evocative Anatomical Machines.
The National Railway Museum of Pietrarsa, located in the eastern suburbs of Naples, where the former Royal Bourbon Factory of Pietrarsa once stood, houses steam locomotives, three-phase electric locomotives, direct current locomotives, diesel shunters, railcars, railbuses and passenger carriages.
The City of Science is the first new generation interactive science museum in Italy, composed of the Bic (Business Innovation Center), the High Training Center and the Science Center.
The Treasury Museum of San Gennaro develops in the rooms underneath the Chapel of San Gennaro and offers a glimpse of collections of inestimable value, works of art, silverware, jewels and precious objects of all kinds.
Finally, the Museum of Contemporary Art Donnaregina, opened in 2005 in the ancient Palazzo Donna Regina, in the historic center, is another museum that is definitely worth a visit. It offers 4,500 square meters of exhibition space over 4 levels and in two large internal courtyards, and has been renovated ad hoc by Portuguese architect Alvaro Siza. Here you can admire numerous exhibitions of contemporary art, including sculptures, paintings, design and cinema.

The Most Important Museum in Naples is This One!

The MANN - National Archaeological Museum of Naples is one of the oldest and most important in the world for the richness and uniqueness of its heritage and for its contribution to the European cultural panorama.
In fact, the National Archaeological Museum of Naples is one of the first established in Europe, housed in a monumental seventeenth-century palace between the late eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century. This Museum can boast the richest and most precious collection of archaeological works of art and artifacts in Italy. It is a treasure of inestimable cultural and historical value, where over three thousand exemplary value objects are exhibited in various thematic sections. Hundreds of thousands of finds dating from prehistory to late antiquity are preserved inside the museum. These finds come from various ancient sites in the South and are also the result of the acquisition of important antique collections. Among these collections stands out the Farnese collection, belonging to the royal dynasty of the Bourbons, founders of the Museum. The National Archaeological Museum of Naples represents a unique place in the world where history, art and archaeology merge in a perfect union, offering visitors a unique and unforgettable experience.

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MANN Museum


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MANN - Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli - Piazza Museo, 19, 80135 Napoli